MoD 1960′s Collection

Here we have a fascinating collection of MoD (Ministry of Defence) official photos of a whole range of military vehicles in service. Not to the same standard as modern digital photographs, but they have that same certain patina that old 1960′s military things have. I know the original photos that Miliblog has been lucky to purchase for you have that certin whiff of old musty paper, with a hint of dampness that we find so good. Although part of the MoD, they all have AM and a crown stamped on the back, which is Air Ministry. A bit unusual when most of the photos are British Army !!!

One by one we’ll be scanning this old collection to share with you. When we discovered them, we just had to have them to add to the Miliblog archives !!! So please enjoy them as we did too !!!

Random Images From Collection
Berlin May/June 1945 193
Berlin May/June 1945 193
Dodge WC-21 Half Ton Weapons Carrier (HSV 855)
Dodge WC-21 Half Ton Weapons Carrie
M3 Lee (2)
M3 Lee (2)
Normandy 1944 Collection 630
Normandy 1944 Collection 630
GMC 353 CCKW 6x6 Cargo (KSU 498)
GMC 353 CCKW 6x6 Cargo (KSU 498)
AEC Mandator 10Ton 4x2 \'Blue Streak\' Missile Transporter (78 AE 96)
AEC Mandator 10Ton 4x2 \'Blue
Land Rover 101 GS (65 FL 18)
Land Rover 101 GS (65 FL 18)
Normandy 1944 Collection 24
Normandy 1944 Collection 24
Normandy 1944 Collection 39
Normandy 1944 Collection 39
Eastern Front Collection 1433
Eastern Front Collection 1433
DAF 95-350 4x2 Tractor (KN-49-59)
DAF 95-350 4x2 Tractor (KN-49-59)
GMC 352 CCKW 6x6 Cargo (TRL 561 S)
GMC 352 CCKW 6x6 Cargo (TRL 561 S)
Abbot 105mm SP Gun (08 EB 01) Side
Abbot 105mm SP Gun (08 EB 01) Side
Austin K2 Ambulance (3292 AP)
Austin K2 Ambulance (3292 AP)
Seddon Atkinson 17.38 TC Strato Tractor (EB 38 AA)
Seddon Atkinson 17.38 TC Strato Tra
Diamond T 980 M20 Prime Mover (VFF 273)
Diamond T 980 M20 Prime Mover (VFF
Bedford QLD 3Ton GS (NYH 444)
Bedford QLD 3Ton GS (NYH 444)
Jagd Panther in Bovington Tank Museum
Jagd Panther in Bovington Tank Muse
Morris C8 Anti-Tank Tractor (SSU 750)
Morris C8 Anti-Tank Tractor (SSU 75
Original German WW2 Studio Photo 18
Original German WW2 Studio Photo 18