cloth,usa,ww2,army air force
Random Images From Collection
Eastern Front Collection 1196
Eastern Front Collection 1196
Bedford RL 3 ton 4x4 Cargo (07 DE 39) towing Thunderbird Missile
Bedford RL 3 ton 4x4 Cargo (07 DE 3
Avro Vulcan (XM-607)
Avro Vulcan (XM-607)
Ford F15 15cwt GS (DAP 41 S)
Ford F15 15cwt GS (DAP 41 S)
GMC 352 CCKW 6x6 Cargo (VSV 701)
GMC 352 CCKW 6x6 Cargo (VSV 701)
Eastern Front Collection 453
Eastern Front Collection 453
Land Rover 110 Defender (11 KJ 95)
Land Rover 110 Defender (11 KJ 95)
Land Rover 110 Defender
Land Rover 110 Defender
Normandy 1944 Collection 708
Normandy 1944 Collection 708
Foden 8x6 IMMLC Drops (AF 02 AA)
Foden 8x6 IMMLC Drops (AF 02 AA)
GMC 353 DUKW 6x6 Cargo (LDE 330 P)
GMC 353 DUKW 6x6 Cargo (LDE 330 P)
Eastern Front Collection 777
Eastern Front Collection 777
Dodge Commando G13 Wadham Stringer Vanguard Body Coach (80 KF 39)
Dodge Commando G13 Wadham Stringer
Chevrolet YP-G-4112 1.5Ton 4x4 Cargo (MPK 112)
Chevrolet YP-G-4112 1.5Ton 4x4 Carg
Eastern Front Collection 384
Eastern Front Collection 384
Normandy 1944 Collection 526
Normandy 1944 Collection 526
Wartime in the Vale 2010, Austin Champ (USK 814)
Wartime in the Vale 2010, Austin Ch
Churchill Mk II
Churchill Mk II
Kaiser Jeep M715 Cargo (US Junk Yard)
Kaiser Jeep M715 Cargo (US Junk Yar