Welcome to what’s new on Miliblog this week which is short yet very interesting. The question we’re asking this week is what happens to our old military vehicles after we’ve sold them ? We often sell them to fellow collectors in the same area or even the same military vehicle club and so often see our old pride and joy at shows over the years. However sometimes they just seem to disappear off the scene altogether !
This week were contacted by a good friend in the United Arab Emerites (UAR) with a fantastic story. He came across a UAR national who is a huge Land Rover fan and has a collection of early 1950′s Landies. It appears his uncle, also a huge Land Rover fan, bought two old Bedford’s in the UK last year, an RL Green Goddess and a lovely QLD 3Tonner GS. Our friend Ben Vaux saw the same Bedford on Miliblog in a photos taken some time ago, and contacted us.
He said he’d had the honour of driving the Bedford across the desert at 30 degrees heat to a classic car show where it won oldest vehicle at the show.
Ben’s kindly sent us a photo and given us permission to share it with you all. We’ve also added below the photo of the same QLD from Miliblog taken in 1987 at, I think, the D-Day Show on Southsea Common in Portsmouth, for you to compare.
So short and sweet !
Have a great week and we’ll see you soon !!!
Cheerio !