The Tank Collection, WW2 German Tanks

From a number of sources we’ve collected e-photos of German WW2 Tanks, either in original wartime situations or indeed in preserved condition. Some are taken at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland USA. Sorry to say that some are not upto the usual high standard we normally bring you here at Miliblog, but nevertheless I still think they’re worth including on the website. See what you think yourself. Remember many were taken with older generations of cameras and not the modern digital cameras we enjoy today.

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Bedford OYD 3Ton (BHJ 800)
Bedford OYD 3Ton (BHJ 800)
US 4 Corps
US 4 Corps
US Army Convoy 3
US Army Convoy 3
Bedford MJ 4 Ton Cargo (10 FK 13)
Bedford MJ 4 Ton Cargo (10 FK 13)
Land Rover 110 Defender (98 KE 25)
Land Rover 110 Defender (98 KE 25)
Wartime in the Vale 2010, Leyland Hippo Mk2 10Ton GS (246 XUM)
Wartime in the Vale 2010, Leyland H
Eastern Front Collection 53
Eastern Front Collection 53
Eastern Front Collection 150
Eastern Front Collection 150
Wartime in the Vale 2010, Land Rover S3 109 (BNH 419 S)
Wartime in the Vale 2010, Land Rove
Chevrolet M6 Bomb Service Truck Conversion (GHP 477 T)
Chevrolet M6 Bomb Service Truck Con
BSA M20 500cc (USY 115)(Courtesy of Mike)
BSA M20 500cc (USY 115)(Courtesy of
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Eastern Front Collection 1086
Eastern Front Collection 185
Eastern Front Collection 185
Willys MB/Ford GPW Jeep (VFO 514)
Willys MB/Ford GPW Jeep (VFO 514)
Berlin May/June 1945 173
Berlin May/June 1945 173
Bedford RL 3Ton 4x4 Office (TRX 124 D)(Copyright ERF Mania)
Bedford RL 3Ton 4x4 Office (TRX 124
Blackhawk UH-60 Utility Helicopter 12
Blackhawk UH-60 Utility Helicopter
Eastern Front Collection 335
Eastern Front Collection 335
Berlin May/June 1945 110
Berlin May/June 1945 110
Berlin May/June 1945 174
Berlin May/June 1945 174