From a number of sources we’ve collected e-photos of British WW2 Tanks, either in original wartime situations or indeed in preserved condition. Some are taken at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland USA. Sorry to say that some are not upto the usual high standard we normally bring you here at Miliblog, but nevertheless I still think they’re worth including on the website. See what you think yourself. Remember many were taken with older generations of cameras and not the modern digital cameras we enjoy today.
M3 British Grant (1)
M3 British Grant (2)
M3 British Grant (3)
M3 Stuart Honey (1)
M3 Stuart Honey (2)
M3 Stuart Honey (3)
M3 Stuart Honey (4)
M4 Sherman with British Crew
Matilda (1)
Matilda Tanks
SAS (Special Air Service) Jeep
Sexton SPG (1)
Sherman DD (Duplex Drive) '
Tetrarch (1)
Tetrarch (2)
Valentine Tank & Troops
Valentine Tank Division
Valentine Tank in Malta
Valentine Tank in Sling
Valentine Tanks

Eastern Front Collection 343 | 
M4 Sherman Firefly (1) | 
AEC Mandator 4x2 Tractor (95 RN 44) | 
Eastern Front Collection 458 |

H88 HMS Enterprise (Survey Vessel - | 
British 3 Infantry Division (Embroi | 
Dodge WC-54 Ambulance (SSV 969) | 
Land Rover 110 Defender (71 KJ 28) |

Eastern Front Collection 1007 | 
Eastern Front Collection 897 | 
Leyland Daf 8x8 Drops (81 KH 57) | 
Dodge WC-56 Command Car (GOP 800) |

US 100 Infantry Division | 
Normandy 1944 Collection 656 | 
Foden 6x4 Low Mobility Tanker (20 G | 
Morris C8 FAT Mk3, Limber & 25 Poun |

D92 HMS Liverpool (Type 42 Class De | 
Eastern Front Collection 554 | 
Willys MB Jeep (MFO 606) 2 | 
Striker CVRT on MoD Railway Wagon |