Original WW2 Photos,Normandy1944,Vol 3

Following on is Volume 3 showing the next  250 photographs from a very exciting collection of photos taken by many Allied servicemen during the Normandy Campaign of the Summer of 1944. Following the D-Day Landings on 6th June 1944, the Allies attempted to breakout from the bridghead throughout June. The Americans drove up the Cotentin peninsula towards Cherbourg and then across through into Brittany. Many of the photos show the devestation of battle of just the ordinary little villages that were destroyed in the name of the Liberation. If you are a military vehicle enthusiast who owns and loves their Jeeps, Dodges and Jimmies, then see your vehicle in it’s environment. Who knows maybe your actual vehicle may be in one of the photos. Looking at many of the photos the Summer of ’44 looked pretty dry and dusty, with many vehicles covered in a light dust. Again a useful observation for model makers amongst us.

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